This Spring of Death - Ouroboros (2015)

13.04.2015 a las 04:54 hs 588 0

Band: This Spring of Death
Album: Ouroboros
Genre: Technical Brutal Death Metal
Country: Indonesia (Bogor, West Java)
Format : 192Kbps

1. Revelation - 00:57 
2. The Antagonist - 02:26 
3. Masokisma - 02:45 
4. Ouroboros - 03:47 
5. Fractured Divinity - 02:47 
6. The Pilgrimage - 03:46 
7. At the Throne Sanctity - 02:36 
8. Powerless Soul - 04:10 
9. When Thousand Sinsthat Embrace - 03:51

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