Brutal Truth - Sounds of the Animal Kingdom [1997]

06.12.2014 a las 06:53 hs 554 0

Band: Brutal Truth
Album: Sounds of the Animal Kingdom
Year: 1997
Genre: Death Grind
Country: USA  (New York, New York)
Bitrate: 320 kbps

1. Dementia
2. K.A.P.
3. Vision
4. Fucktoy
5. Jemenez Cricket
6. Soft Mind
7. Average People
8. Blue World
9. Callous
10. Fisting
11. Die Laughing
12. Dead Smart
13. Sympathy Kiss
14. Pork Farm
15. Promise
16. Foolish Bastard
17. Postulate Then Liberate
18. It's After the End of the World
19. Machine Parts
20. 4.20
21. Unbaptized
22. Prey
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