Dying Fetus - Wrong One To Fuck With

27.06.2017 a las 21:05 hs 558 0

Band: Dying Fetus
Album: Wrong One To Fuck With
Year: 2017
Genre: Technical Death Metal | Technical Brutal Death Metal
Country: United States (Baltimore, Maryland)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Relapse Records


1. Fixated on Devastation
2. Panic Amongst the Herd
3. Die With Integrity
4. Reveling in the Abyss
5. Seething With Disdain
6. Ideological Subjugation
7. Weaken the Structure
8. Fallacy
9. Unmitigated Detestation
10. Wrong One to Fuck With
11. Induce Terror (Bonus Track)

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