Impetigo - Ultimo Mondo Cannibale [1990]

04.10.2014 a las 16:32 hs 577 1

Band: Impetigo
Album: Ultimo Mondo Cannibale
Year: 1990
Genre: Death Grind
Country: USA  (Bloomington, Illinois)

1. Maggots 03:48
2. Dis-Organ-Ized 01:51
3. Intense Mortification 02:48
4. Revenge of The Scabby Man 02:44
5. Venereal Warts, Part 3 00:12
6. Bloody Pit of Horror 04:16
7. Dear Uncle Creepy... 01:32
8. Bitch Death Teenage Mucous Monster from Hell 04:21
9. Zombie 01:14
10. Jane Fonda Sucks, Part 2 00:45
11. Red Wigglers 03:51
12. Harbinger of Death 01:58
13. Unadulterated Brutality 04:13
14. Mortado 02:44
Bonustracks (Vinyl Release)
15. Heart of Illinois 00:58
16. My Lai 01:13

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