Omnihility - Dominion of Misery (2016)

23.03.2016 a las 15:03 hs 613 0

Band: Omnihility
Album: Dominion of Misery
Released: February 26th, 2016
Genre: Technical Brutal Death Metal
Country: United States (Eugene, Oregon)
Format | Quality: mp3 | CBR 192 kbps
Label: Unique Leader Records

1. Morte Aeterna - 03:02 
2. Psychotic Annihilation - 04:01 
3. Immaculate Deception - 04:30 
4. Dementia Praedox - 04:10 
5. Dead Eden - 04:47 
6. Within Shadows - 03:15 
7. Reflections in Blood - 05:09 
8. Parasitic Existence - 04:55 
9. Necrotic. Consumption. Obsession - 04:29 
10. Dominion of Misery - 03:26

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