Carnagia — Display Of Hate (Ancestral) (2015) [Colombia]

02.10.2015 a las 03:05 hs 656 0

Band: Carnagia
Album: Display Of Hate (Ancestral)
Year: 2015
Genre: Technical Brutal Death Metal
Country: Colombia (Bogotá, D.C., Cundinamarca)
Format | Quality: mp3 | 247 kbps
Label: Bhumidhuka Productions

1. Before You Die I’ll Extract Your Heart
2. Wicked Supremacy
3. Ghastly Sexual Abduction
4. Dancing Among Corpses
5. Perpetuality
6. Display Of Hate
7. Cold Blood Evolution
8. Unholy Feasting
9. Cybernetic Cosmic Creation
10. Burial Ground’s Offering

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