Balls & Magnets v1.3 [Juego]

12.10.2017 a las 16:11 hs 271 0

Balls & Magnets v1.3 [Juego]
[ ZIP y/o APK | Juego Android | 9.9 MB ]


The essence of the game balls & magnets is to collect as many points as possible.


Passage of pits and resistance to the attraction of magnets. The ball flies out of the tube and is subjected to the attraction of magnets. The task to hit the ball in the pipe opposite without dropping it into the pit.

Requisito: Desde Android 4.1 o Superiores
Incluye Datos "OBB" si los requiere.

Balls & Magnets v1.3 [Juego]
[ ZIP y/o APK | Juego Android | 9.9 MB ]





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