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One Piece Spoilers 946

One Piece Spoilers 946: "Queen Vs. O-Lin"

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Piratas Bestias: "¡¡¡... un hombre con 1.300.000.000 millones de recompensa!!! ¡¡¡Derrotado tras 2 golpes~~~!!!
¡¡¡Esa mujer está en una dimensión completamente diferente!!! ¡¡¡Es la verdadera Big Mom!!!
Informad a Kaido-san...


Capítulo 946: "Queen Vs. Olin".

En la portada, Kinemon y Otsuru tienen una cita junto a un tanuki y a un zorro (petición de un lector).

Big Mom estampa contra el suelo a Queen.

Big Mom: "¡Dame el Oshiruko! ¡Maldito lagarto!"

Queen responde enfurecido ante el insulto de Big Mom.

Queen: "¿¡¡Cómo te atreves a llamarme así!!?"

Big Mom derrota a Queen con 2 golpes más. Kid y Killer se han visto afectados por la batalla pero, por suerte, también se han librado del agua.

Los Piratas Bestia, al ver la derrota de Queen, deciden contactar directamente con Kaido. Sin embargo el sistema de comunicaciones ha sido destruido y no pueden contactar con la isla Onigashima.

Pasamos a la torre de los ejecutivos de la prisión Udon. Raizou ha conseguido infiltrarse para robar la llave de las esposas de Kawamatsu. Gracias a que Caribou le habló del punto débil del sistema de comunicaciones, Raizou también ha conseguido destruirlo.

Volvemos de nuevo a Big Mom, que ha encontrado la olla del Oshiruko. Sin embargo, cuando la abre, descubre que está completamente vacia. Al ver la escena Luffy dice sin darse cuenta.

Luffy: "Ese Oshiruko estaba muy bueno".

Big Mom se gira y ataca a Luffy, que es impulsado al borde del ring. Luffy le dice que morirá si cae del ring, así que no puede retroceder más.

Big Mom: "¿¡Quién es Big Mom y quién eres tú!?"

Big Mom no recupera la memoria al ver a Luffy, ella sólo quiere conseguir el Oshiruko para poder compartirlo con la gente que la salvó. Big Mom, muy enojada, vuelve a golpear el ring y consigue que Luffy y Hyo salgan de la zona de seguridad. Sin embargo, Luffy consigue quitarse su collar y el de Hyo a tiempo y pueden pisar el suelo fuera del ring sin problema.

Sabiendo lo terrible y peligrosa que es Big Mom, Luffy intenta agarrar a Hyo y huir pero Hyo se planta delante de Big Mom y se niega a huir.

Hyogoro: "Sólo durante situaciones de vida o muerte, tus habilidades mejorarán de verdad."

Luffy: ¡¡Eres idiota!! ¿¡¡Entrenar, ahora!!? ¡¡Si fallo, morirás!!

Hyogoro: ¡¡¡Estoy dispuesto!!!

Luffy al final desiste de huir y recubre sus brazos con haki.

Luffy: ¡¡¡Vamos!!! ¡¡Yonko!!


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Spoilers en Inglés:


Chapter 946: "Queen Vs. Olin".
- In the cover, Kinemon and Otsuru are on a date with a tanuki and a foxy (fan request).
- First half of the chapter is Queen Vs. Big Mom with some amazing double pages.

More details:

-Most of the fight Big Mom beating Queen
-Big Mom holding a Queen's head and hold his body
-Because the fighting Kid and Killer got helped
-Big Mom holds oshiroko but she surprised that it is empty and then begins a tantrum
-Because of the rage of the Big Mom, she starts to smash the place, Luffy is able to extract his handcuffs and Hyo after he used Luffy's haki to throw away the handcuffs.
-Hyguro refuses to move and escape from the front of the angry (Big Mom), and Big Mom tries to strike Hyo with strong blow but Luffy intervenes, and the separation ends

-Non of them appeared
Zoro, Sanji , Brook , Nami and Robbin
-Big Mom after she spinning Queen then threw him away he lays on the ground without movement and return to his body gradually,
like Kaido
-Raizou and Caribou are trying to free the prisoners

Detailed Summary

Chapter 946: Queen v.s. Olin
Cover page: Kinemon and Otsuru are dating at night. A fox is lightening up their way using foxfir

Big Mom pins Queen down on the ground and is giving him a hard time, and screaming, "Hand me over your shiruko! You lizard asshole!"
Queen hears Big Mom calling him "lizard asshole" and is furious and shouts, "How dare you call me that!"
Olin defeats Queen in merely two bouts.
Kid and Killer are impacted by their fight but in result, they successfully come out of water.
Witnessing Queen getting defeated, his retainers decide to report the incident to Kaido. However, the communication system is down and it is impossible for them to contact Onigashima.
Raizo has already infiltrated into the officer tower of Udon and is going to steal the keys for Kawamatsu.
It turns out that Caribou told Raizo about the weakness of the communication system here and has destroyed it.
Meanwhile, Olin obtains the pot for shiruko but when she opens it, she finds the pot to be empty.
Right at that moment, Luffy accidentally spills the beans, "The shiruko is indeed delicious!"
Big Mom turns to attack Luffy.
Luffy is forced to the edge of the arena. He tells Big Mom that if he fell out of the arena he would die, so he cannot step back anymore.
Big Mom yells, "Who is Big Mom? Who are you?" and continues closing in on Luffy.
Big Mom's memory hasn't come back yet. She's trying to fetch the shiruko here in Udon so that she could let those villagers who saved her have a taste of the cuisine.
The furious Big Mom attacks Luffy and Hyogoro and both men fall out of the arena. Luffy manages to take off the chains for himself and for Hyogoro in a blink and both of them fall onto the ground safe and sound.
Luffy knows by heart how dangerous Big Mom is and grabs Hyogoro and starts running away. Nevertheless, Hyogoro gives up on escaping and stands to face Big Mom.
He says, "The only occasion you become stronger is when you are in danger."
So Luffy gives up on running and chooses to protect Hyogoro. He stands in front of Big Mom and yells, "Come on! Yonko!"

• Para descargar el manga completo en Blanco & Negro haz click aqui
• Para descargar el manga versión Full Color haz click aqui

Traductores: Vegapunk, Masasoite y Redon
Edición: GearSekando
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